- Activities for parents and children
- HIPPA regulations for doing telehealth during COIVD-19 have been updated
- Current OHS Guidance
- General Disaster guidance that OHS says applies to this situation
- https://theautismeducator.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/The-Corona-Virus-Free-Printable-Updated-2-The-Autism-Educator-.pdf
- https://theautismeducator.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/The-Corona-Virus-Free-Printable-Updated-2-The-Autism-Educator-.pdf
- Providing parents with the CDC Info
- Using a Tip page from SAMHSA and Do the Five on Dojo for the families to keep them informed
- Our director has been giving us letters to send out through families. I am listening to and validating parents feelings about the virus.
- Sharing a printable mini book from Teacher Pay teachers that explained what is going on in kid language.
- Using childplus and facebook to share resources about COVID-19
- Sending home packets to families and will be uploading to our facebook since that’s where families see the most
- Video Conferencing Resources
- Google Hangouts
- Zoom
- Webex
- We’ve had teachers create a YouTube channel with educational videos, songs, etc. to share with their families and to post video messages to their families.