Thank you to our luncheon sponsors! - Luzerne County Head Start
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Thank you to our luncheon sponsors!

April 5, 2024

Luzerne County Head Start, Inc. (LCHS) will hold its 59th Anniversary Celebration on May 13 at Mohegan Pennsylvania to honor our longstanding commitment to providing comprehensive services to low-income children and their families. We will also recognize our dedicated staff and community partners while honoring the next class of LCHS Alumni Scholarship recipients. 

This tradition wouldn’t be possible without our sponsors. Their financial support enables us to honor the community organizations, businesses, individuals, students and staff who have contributed to our agency’s ongoing success. This year’s event sponsors are…

Diamond Sponsorship Level:

Gold Sponsorship Level:

Luzerne County Community College

Benco Family Foundation

Panzitta Enterprises Inc.

WVW Transport, Inc.

Silver Sponsorship Level:

Cambridge Investment Research

Conscious Discipline

Seltzer Group Partners

Bronze Sponsorship Level:

Becker’s School Supplies, Inc. 

Creative Benefits, Inc.

Cross Valley Federal Credit Union

Kaplan Early Learning Company 

Lakeshore Learning Materials 

Mark J. Sobeck Roof Consulting, Inc.   

Metz Culinary Management 

Snyder & Clemente 

The Wright Center for Community Health

We would also like to thank this year’s LCHS Alumni Scholarship sponsors:

Fran Williams Memorial Scholarship

Benco Family Foundation Scholarship

Eugene Hogan Memorial Scholarship

Tomalis-Gatusky Family Scholarship

PNC Bank Scholarship

Navient Community Fund Scholarship

George R. Evans Memorial Scholarship

Mary & Tom Sewatsky Family Scholarship

LCHS Board of Directors Lena Taylor Memorial Scholarship

Luzerne County Bar Association Charitable Foundation Scholarship

Church of Christ Uniting Scholarship

Friends of Head Start Scholarship

LCHS Policy Council Claudia O’Boyle Memorial Scholarship

Delaney Family Scholarship

Coombs Family Memorial Scholarship

Pittston Tomato Festival Committee Scholarship

Cross Valley Federal Credit Union Scholarship

Travis Black Scholarship
