Luzerne County Head Start, Inc. held its “All Staff Fun Day” on May 24 at Misericordia University. After a meeting to discuss next year’s benefits with representatives of Geisinger and Creative Benefits, LCHS staff participated in fun activities for the rest of the afternoon to kick off the long holiday weekend.
LCHS Board of Directors President Stacey Kile hosted “Geisinger Games.” Participants spun a wheel and landed on exercises to do for prizes, like squats and jumping jacks.
Staff members played yard games and relaxed in the sunshine. Several employees even volunteered to share their talents by teaching a class, including Cheryl Wallitsch (chunky hand knitting), Angela Dube (crocheting), Kelly Billig (canvas painting), Sunshine Campen (no-bake cooking), Callista Connors (tie dye artistry) and Eva Kennedy (scrapbooking). Mobile Om Massage offered 15-minute massages. The day also included gentle yoga with Jill Price and mindfulness meditation.

By Brooke Williams, Community Advocate