Luzerne County Head Start, Inc. recently hosted a health and wellness fair to provide community-based partners and Head Start parents with training on how to help children and take care of oneself. The free event was held at The Woodlands near Wilkes-Barre and was open to any parent enrolled in LCHS’s program, as well as a number of community organizations who provide services to young children and families. Dr. Neal M. Horen, director of early childhood at Georgetown University’s Center for Child and Human Development, spoke to both parents and professionals about the importance of emotional wellness, stress reduction, support systems and self-care. Parents listened to a number of guest speakers who provided valuable information about medical and oral care for children, as well as substance abuse disorders. More than 20 vendors were on hand to let parents know about resources that are available to them in the community. Health and wellness giveaways were handed out to participants and parents had the chance to win a number of raffle baskets. The event was made possible by a one-time grant from the Pennsylvania Head Start Supplemental Assistance Program.