The Junior Leadership Wilkes-Barre (JLWB) Class of 2021 raised money to purchase books for children at Luzerne County Head Start (LCHS) as part of their “Head Start Heroes” community impact project.
Students from JLWB took part in several virtual book readings to Head Start children in March and April. On May 8th, the group hosted a drive-in movie theater night at the Garden Drive Inn in Hunlock Creek. Admission was $7 per person and the movies shown were “Spiderman Homecoming” and “Wonder Woman.”
The group raised approximately $1,300 from raffle basket ticket sales and donation jars. The money was used to purchase approximately 300 children’s books for boys and girls at LCHS.
JLWB is a transformative personal and professional leadership development program that is made up of students who are juniors in high school from various school districts.