Luzerne County Head Start, Inc. (LCHS) will hold two separate recruitment events on Fri., July 29 at the Dallas Shopping Center along the Tunkhannock Highway in Dallas (near Fidelity Bank) and again on Mon., Aug. 1, in the parking lot of Dunham’s Sports at the Laurel Mall near Hazleton.
‘Woods Ice Cream Truck’ will serve hand-dipped ice cream to those who fill out an application for LCHS’s early childhood education program. The Early Head Start program provides home visiting services to qualified pregnant women and children birth to 3-years-old. The Head Start/Pre-K Counts program provides preschool services to children from three to 5-years-old.
Families who complete an intake or application will receive a ticket for a free ice cream for each person present. Both events will take place from noon to 3pm, while supplies last.
LCHS is an income-based program that provides early childhood education and comprehensive services to pregnant women, children birth to age five, and their families in Luzerne and Wyoming Counties.