Early Head Start mom, Keisha, had fallen into some hard times during the Covid-19 pandemic. Her husband had to quarantine for one month and was unable to work, leaving the family with one income. Meanwhile, Keisha’s two-year-old daughter, Harmony was in need of a pair of expensive children’s eyeglasses. However, the loss of income made it impossible for Keisha to purchase the glasses for Harmony.
Keisha told her Early Head Start family educator about Harmony’s need for the children’s eyeglasses, and that she could not afford the expense. Through the help of Early Head Start, she was connected with optometrist, Dr. Alan Frank, in Kingston. Harmony was fitted for the glasses at the doctor’s office and recently received the eyeglasses, all expenses paid. Keisha says she is very thankful for the help she received through LCHS’s Early Head Start program and Dr. Alan Frank’s office.